Orgasmic Breath - Free workshop for couples
Fri, Sep 23
|Free on-line workshops
This workshop is for all couples who feel that sex is more than what they thought they knew. In this free workshop we invite you to immerse yourself in the magic of the "ORGASMIC PRESENT MOMENTS" and experience a completely new dimension of intimacy, lust and joy.

Place & Time
Sep 23, 2022, 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM GMT+2
Free on-line workshops
About the Event
What happened ifEVERYTHING- every breath, every touch, every look -would trigger lust and passion in you?
What happened ifLust is a completely natural stateyour togetherness would be?
What happened ifyourself your biggest turn-onwould you be
Free workshop for couples
In this free workshop we invite you into the magic ofORGASMIC PRESENT MOMENTSimmerse yourself and a completely new dimension ofintimacy, lust and joyto experience.
This workshop is for all couples who feel that sex is more than what they thought they knew
There are manyKey, for a really lively, deeply touching sexuality.
We will show you two of them in our workshop:
1. The Orgasmic Present Moment
Being truly present is the key to deep, orgasmic, and fulfilling sexuality. We share with youtantric exercisesaroundorgasmic presenceto experience in your sexuality.
2. Pleasure
Get access to your very natural lust.
We will show you how you can create lust in the here and now without any outside influence.
We give you our knowledge and most valuable tools that have transformed our sexuality into something we could never have dreamed of.
For many people, this is the cornerstone of perhaps experiencing sexuality for the first time as something deeply fulfilling.
What to expect:
- Experience that sex is more than what you have known so far
- Experience a sexuality that fills you deep in your heart
- Experience the power of Orgasmic Breathing
- Get access to your very natural lust
- Experience the Magic of "Orgasmic Presence"
- Live sexuality in an easy, natural way
- Experience a deep connection with your partner
Join us for this beautiful and powerful WORKSHOP into the magic of ORGAMSMIC BREATH!
Date: 09/23/2022
Time: 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m
Location: Online, Zoom