Was wäre, wenn deine Energie einen direkten Einfluss hat auf den Erfolg deines Business hat?
Alle Gefühle haben eine bestimme Energie.
Emotionen wie Angst, Stress, Zweifel etc. haben eine niedrigere Energie wie Freude, Dankbarkeit und Fülle.
Es gibt Emotionen, die uns mehr in die Materie ziehen. Das heißt in die Energie von Überleben, Kampf und Angst.
Und dann gibt es Emotionen die uns mehr öffnen, mit denen alles möglich scheint…
Uns war aufgefallen, dass wir in unserem "Hustle Mode" oft in Gefühlen wie "Angst, Stress, Zweifel oder Müssen" waren - alles Gefühle, die eine niedrigere Energie hatten.
Wenn wir also von "Energie erhöhen" sprechen meinen wir, dass wir uns darauf konzentriert haben uns mit Gefühlen wie Fülle, Freude, Empfangen, Dankbarkeit zu verbinden und diese zu verkörpern

The four levels of business
Material Business
In the Material or traditional business you have to do to achieve. It is about facts, processes and numbers.
The main aspect is competition and the scarcity of money, resources.
Future is trying to predicted with knowledge of the past (e.g. business plans).
Soul Business
Soul business adds an extra layer to the material world. You can all beings are populated with immortal souls.
Business becomes expression of your soul. Success is no more measured by profit but more by meaning and fulfillment.
Soul purpose and soul contracts are limiting yourself in your own identity and expression.
Quantum Business
In the world of quantum business the world is not based on matter. It materializes from energies and frequencies out of the quantum field. The world is a 4D holographic simulation. The field holds every information and infinite possibilities (a.k.a. multiverse). It is a place of abundance and endless potentials. Feeling and being is the source for experiences in the material world.
Orgasmic Business
The power of creation from the quantum field are enhanced by using our life force energy. The body is used as an instrument to create reality. Sexual energy, the most potent life force, can be activated, alchemized and used to create a business full of magic, wonders and endless possibilities.
Find Your Essene
Your essence is the unique frequency of your existence.
This is the foundation of all your business.
We dive deep into what is really you - to find the unique song of your soul.
We don't stop at what is easy, we go deeper.
Because your essence is what you radiate in every part of your life - and work.
Your Success
Bring your business to next level
easier, happier, more you -
I guide you into success.
Rise up Your Business
Wether you want to reach more clients or increase your turnover, we will start from your unique essence and build a bridge to your clients.
Let's be bold. Let's create products and services that will change the entire existence.
Let's make the impossible possible.
Online Products
You desire to create awesome online experiences for your clients but you don't know how? You want to go next level with your online courses?
Together we find new ways of touching the hearts of your clients with all your essence in new ways..
Live Events
1-Day workshop or 7 -Day retreat - together we create unique spaces with mind-blowing peak experiences which your clients will never forget.
All ideas come directly through your essence and soul.
You are as unique as your business is.
I really want to see you - your essence, your business and where you are at the moment.
In order to serve your uniqueness I create a 1on1 container for each woman I work with -
A space to really dive into your personal needs and desires.
If you feel touched I would really love to get to know you.
You can achieve that too !

That's Magic
Kreiere Dein Business mit Magie
Der Magic Circle zeigt wie in 7 einfachen Schritten eine neue Realität erschaffen werden kann.
Du kannst ihn benutzen um neue Kunden zu bekommen, ein neues Produkt zu launchen oder ohne mehr zu tun Dein Business auf eine neue Ebene zu bringen,
Bei allen Schritten geht es um Deine Frequenz, das heißt wie Du bist und nicht was Du tust.
Warum ist es ein Kreislauf?
Wir können nur das erschaffen, was wir für möglich halten.
Deswegen mache die Schritte immer und immer wieder und verschiebe Deine Grenzen weiter und weiter.

Intensive Accompaniment
We will accompany you for a period of 3 or 6 months or individually, so that you and the business of your heart blossom.
Together we will determine which goals you want to achieve and how we can best support you.:
What is important to us
To accompany you as personally, truly and uniquely as you are
To really go deeper together with you in order to achieve a lasting and deep change
To create a space full of love, trust and connection
Lots of joy, magic and ease
What's waiting for you
Free Discovery Week
Weekly 1 to 1 sessions
Our support and availability even between our 1 to 1 sessions
Guided hypnosis to dissolve your blockages, fears, trauma
Individually created exercises and best practice for your heart business
Business Sisters membership
Over 13 years of experience in building business models and services
10 years of experience and knowledge in the field of personality development
Our magic, ease and love
"For us it is the coolest thing to let your spark become a shining light "

Hi there,
I am alexandra
it´s wonderful to have you here!
It was my own journey that lead me to what I love doing most in life.
To guide women back into their Goddess-Self.
To show them their way into a truly turned-on life!
I rejected myself, my body, my femininity and my sexuality for so many years.
I didn´t really know myself.
I didn´t like my body.
I didn´t have any connection to my femininity.
I wanted to ban sexuality out of my life.
Today I love myself.
Today I love my femininity.
Today I love my body.
Today I love my sexuality.
Today I am connected to my Goddess-Me.
I know who I am and what I want.
And I go for my dreams and desires.
Today I guide women back into their goddess-self.
I show them their way into a truly turned-on life!
My desire is to show you a way to connect to yourself, your femininity, your body and your sexuality:
A way to connect to your inner goddess power.
A way that will end in the most beautiful love stories of all.
The lovestory to yourself!
Based on my trainings and my own inner journey I combine Hypnosis, Spirituality, Tantra, Embodiment and Coaching to create life changing Workshops, Online Courses, 1:1 Mentorships and Retreats.
I am so looking forward to connecting with you.
Bleibe auf dem Laufenden
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