Become a Tantric Goddess
A Tantric Goddess is deeply connected to herself, her body and her heart
She uses her sexual energy to manifest the life of her dreams
She is connected to her lifeforce energy and navigates it through her body
She uses sex to connect to the divine
She knows her desires and how to communicate them
She uses selfpleasure as the nectar of her selflove
She experiences sex as something deeply touching her heart and soul
She is in love with the beauty of her life
She feels confident and empowered
What does SHE bring you?
The moment you embody your Tantric Goddes EVERYTHING WILL CHANGE
You will release body shame & insecurities around being sexual and feminine
You will strip away years of negative conditioning and blockages
You will release shame, guilt and insecurity around your Yoni and sexuality
You will get to create a beautiful relationship with your body
You will un-block your energy so your sexual energy can now flow free
This will bring you more aliveness, joy and pleasure in your life and sexuality
Librating your sexuality is the one thing that will CHANGE your whole LIFE.
It empoweres you.
It liberates you.
It gives you a feeling of happiness, freedom and confidence.
I truly believe that choosing to work on you sexuality will affet all other aspects in your life
Are you ready to become the TANTRIC GODDES you truly are?
Tantra Basics
Was ist Tantra? Und wie funktioniert Sexualität im Tantra?
Diese Videos helfen euch Grundlagen der tantrischen Sexualität zu verstehen. Wir erklären euch wie die männliche und weibliche Sexualität funktioniert und wie wir sie in der Partnerschaft zusammen bringen.
Mit den Tantric Quickies könnt ihr dann direkt das gelernte Umsetzen und direkte Erfahrungen zu den erwähnten Themen machen.
Habt ihr Fragen? Schreibt uns gerne eine Nachricht.
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What to expect
Chapter 1: Your Radiant Sexuality
Find out how beautiful your sexuality can really be. Receive a bright picture of your future, what will attract and guide you over the next few weeks. Your very own North star.
Chapter 2: Free Yourself
Get rid of all the feelings and beliefs that limit and block your sexuality.
Let go of fear, shame and expectations and open yourself to a natural flow of your sexual energy.
Chapter 3: Selflove & Bodylove
Learn to love your body and yourself.
Feel confident in your naked body and learn to love and appreciative it. The moment you love your body it will start to radiate from the inside out.
Chapter 4: Yoni Love
Your yoni is more than just a part of your body. Connect with your yoni and start a loving relationship with her.
Heal your past wounds and let her shine in her divine radiance.
Chapter 5: Self pleasure
A fulfilled sexuality begins with yourself. Start a sensual journey to discover your own sexuality. Experience self pleasure as something completely natural, pleasurable and fulfilling.
Explore your body and learn to touch and caress yourself full of joy.
Chapter 6: Your divine temple
Your yoni is more than just a body part - it is a divine temple.
Experience a whole new relationship to your sexuality and your yoni - this will change your sexuality forever.
Activate the divinity nature of your yoni with powerful rituals.
Chapter 7: Your sexual energy
Learn to navigate your sexual energy, your lifeforce energy and tap into it when you want. Awaken your kundalini energy and use it in your everyday life.
Chapter 8: Pleasure up your life
Experience pleasure in your everyday life.
Allow yourself to receive pleasure through out your day and find that pleasure can be found in each and every moment of your life.
This will literally juice up your existence!!

When is the course for you
You want to break free from old limiting beliefs, insecurity and blockages that no longer serve you and hold you back from feeling confident in your sexuality.
You carry old wounds regarding men, sexuality shame and guilt and you are afraid that you are either too much or not enough.
You want to embrace yourself, your body an femininity to the fullest and get the most out of life including your sexuality.
You desire to explore a deep connection with yourself as a woman.
Your sex has been okay at times and disappointing at others and you have the feeling that you know too little about sexuality and you really like to work on it.
You'd love to know HOW to go deeper and transform your sexuality into something pleasureable, light and natural.
You want to feel more aliveness, joy and pleaure in your life and sexuality
You feel the deep desire to connect to your Tantric Goddess, feeling deeply connected to your femininity, empowered and confident.
PLUS you love investing in your personal growth and development and working on yourself TURNS YOU ON!
Your yoni is your sacred temple, the center of your femininity.
When it blossoms, your whole life blossoms!
- Alexandra Wennmacher -
Book course
Tantric Quickies für Paare
249€- 10 Tantrische Übungen für den Alltag
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Hi there,
I am alexandra
it´s wonderful to have you here!
It was my own journey that lead me to what I love doing most in life.
To guide women back into their Goddess-Self.
To show them their way into a truly turned-on life!
I rejected myself, my body, my femininity and my sexuality for so many years.
I didn´t really know myself.
I didn´t like my body.
I didn´t have any connection to my femininity.
I wanted to ban sexuality out of my life.
Today I love myself.
Today I love my femininity.
Today I love my body.
Today I love my sexuality.
Today I am connected to my Goddess-Me.
I know who I am and what I want.
And I go for my dreams and desires.
Today I guide women back into their goddess-self.
I show them their way into a truly turned-on life!
My desire is to show you a way to connect to yourself, your femininity, your body and your sexuality:
A way to connect to your inner goddess power.
A way that will end in the most beautiful love stories of all.
The lovestory to yourself!
Based on my trainings and my own inner journey I combine Hypnosis, Spirituality, Tantra, Embodiment and Coaching to create life changing Workshops, Online Courses, 1:1 Mentorships and Retreats.
I am so looking forward to connecting with you.
Keep in touch with me
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