21 Days of Sexibility
This experiment changed my life!
Because it showed me that sex is so much more than just the act itself.
That sexual energy is always in me.
And that sexuality is something completely normal.
Today I live out my sexuality every day -
But not from a "compulsion" of a challenge,
but out of my pure essence.
And I pass my knowledge on to many women.
So that they also experience how healthy, magical and divine sexuality is!
I really recommend my online courses to you. Feel free to look around.
21 Days of Sexibility
21 days experiment with myself!
Sex-ibility stands for sexuality and posibility
21 days with the posibility for SEX every day !!!
I would like to take you on your very own personal journey for 21 days.
21 days in which you give your sexuality the opportunity to express itself every day.
BECAUSE now, hand on heart, who of you had SEX for 21 days in a row ?
Or at least tenderness , touch , lust or passion ?
Not me!
It is my WISH that you experience your sexuality again as a natural, light component in your life.
Most of the time it's not that we don't love and enjoy SEX.
It is more the case that in spite of everything we often do not take enough space for our sexuality !!
Maybe you know that yourself:
- Something is always more important than my sexuality
- First I have to finish all my projects, cook, clean etc. ...
THEN I have time for intimacy and sexuality
- I'm too tired to have sex
- I don't feel like having sex
- and and and
And then I feel like I can't feel my sexual energy.
Our sexual energy is ALWAYS there! Even if we may not feel it right now.
And I believe we can connect with her anytime.
This is exactly what the 21 days are all about!
Your Alexandra
Why 21 days?
It takes 21 days to anchor something in a way that it becomes a habit.
Or that new neural connections are formed in our brain.
The point is that sexuality is there every day ~
that it becomes a solid, light, natural part of your life!
Just like working, sleeping, eating and exercising ...
That it is a topic every day - no matter in which way!
Because sexuality is pure life energy.
When your sexuality blossoms, your life energy also flows. Then your whole life will blossom!
So lets do this together ... ;-)

What's waiting for you
21 days of daily audio or video impulses
Exercises to connect with your sexual energy
Impulses to explore your lust
Ideas and inspiration to connect you with your lust
Meditations to connect with your yoni and sexuality
A lot of knowledge about sexuality, lust, energy, your different orgasms, sweet spots and much more.
The possibility to ask questions at any time
My support and energy through the 21 days
Sexuality is pure life energy.
When my sexuality blossoms, my life energy also flows.
Then my whole life will blossom!
- Alexandra Wennmacher -

How nice that you're here!
My own path has led me to what I can share with other women with all my heart today.
I have rejected myself, my body, my femininity and my sexuality for many years.
I didn't know myself.
I didn't like my body.
I had no connection with my femininity.
I wanted to get sexuality out of my life.
The reason for the latter was that most of the time I perceived sex as exhausting, powerful, and stressful.
I had sex for many years without ever orgasming.
I've said YES far too often even though I actually felt NO.
And I actually didn't know what I wanted myself.
Today I love my sexuality.
I am not there yet, but I feel LUST and PASSION again.
I love my femininity.
I would like to take you on my own journey with YONI LOVE and show you a way that shows you that sexuality is something wonderful, light, magical and natural.
This journey begins with you.
It is the journey to yours own, wonderful and very personal sexuality, in which it is about you, to get to know your yoni, your femininity and sexuality in depth and to start a wonderful, lustful love relationship with you.
I am so happy to take you on this journey.
Hi there,
i am alexandra
Keep in touch with me
Always be the first to find out about my new offers and courses =)