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Connect Deeply for couples

Sa., 04. Dez.


Sacred Finca

Diving deep into tantric connection with your beloved.

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Connect Deeply for couples
Connect Deeply for couples

Zeit & Ort

04. Dez. 2021, 14:00 – 18:00

Sacred Finca, Port de Polenca

Ãœber die Veranstaltung

In the daily life we forget to really see each other. 

To take time for sacred touch. 

To speak about our deepest desires. 

To make space so that our souls can melt,

This beautiful workshop is for you if you want to deeply connect to your partner.

It is for you... 

If you wish to meet your partner deeply in the soul. 

If you wish to dive deep together into the beauty of your connection. 

If you wish to connect throught the eyes, the heart and the soul.

We are taking you on a beautiful journey into your connection.

We believe that a partnership between two people is something absolutely sacred.

So we are inviting you to celebrate the sacredness of your realtionship with us.

We are inviting you to remember the magic and sparcles of the beginning.

We are inviting you to meet your loved one in his pure essence.

We are inviting you to melt into the energy of deep love, passion and surrender.

Remember the love you have for each other. 

Learn the most beautiful tools you can use to meet your partner deeply in your daily life.

We are sharing our most beautiful tools and insights that changed our whole realtionship.

In this workshop we are combining beautiful elements of Tantra, Embodiment and Massages.


What to expect: 

- Beautiful exercises based on Tantra 

- Soft touch with your partner 

- Exercises to connect deeply to yourself and your partner 

- A magic space where the soul can unfold 

- Beatiful Massage (maybe the most beautiful one you will ever know) 

- Meditation


This workshop is for couples only.

There is space for 8 people max. So 4 couples in total. 


Date: 04.12.2021 

Time: 14:00 - 18:00 Uhr

Cost per person: 35,00 €


To join please send me a whats app @Alexandra: 0049 160 78 58 864

We are so excited to meet you.

Alexandra and Christian

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