Sa., 12. März
|Online Masterclass via Zoom
Satisfying Sex
Tantric Masterclass for Men
Zeit & Ort
12. März 2022, 15:00 – 18:00
Online Masterclass via Zoom
Ãœber die Veranstaltung
Are you living a fulfilled, deep and mindblowing sexuality?
Do you live the sexuality you deeply desire?
And if not:
Who do you blame for a lack of fulfillment?
Yourself? Your body? Your partner?
What if we had a way to guide you into a sexuality that goes beyond your wildest dreams?
A sexuality that fulfills you deeply
A sexuality that connects you deeply with yourself
A sexuality that brings you back into your own power
Forget all your daydreams
Forget the mind porn
Forget needing to perform in bed
This Masterclas guides you back into your sexual power
The moment you take on the responsibility for the way you experience your sexuality,
Is the moment you get to create the sexuality you've ever wanted.
In this masterclass we show you ways that go beyond orgasms and masturbation.
Ways that guide you into a world of pleasurable and fulfilling sex.
In fact, a lot of times the need for orgasms can distract us from really experiencing the present moment - where all the magic lies.
We show you a way to have fulfilling sex:
- Find pleasure in every sensation
- Learn how to feel every moment in an ecstatic state
- Learn how to deeply be connected to yourself and to HER
- Experience the pleasure of sexual energies
- Cause Pleasure is a decision, made every moment.
This will not only change the way you experience sex but also free you from any needs and dependencies of a partner.
Elements we will use:
à¿“Activating the energy
à¿“Sharings with your brothers
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